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Tanpri Join nou nan selebre tig BRAVE nou yo! 

Tig nan mwa a ak selebrasyon prezans pafè!

Chak mwa nou selebre Tig enkwayab nou yo pou demontre karakteristik tig BRAVE, defann valè debaz nou yo, ak ekselans akademik!  Nan fen chak peryòd make, nou rekonèt Tig nou yo ki gen prezans pafè!

May's Tiger of the Month 
April's Tiger of the Month 
March's Tiger of the Month & MP#3 Perfect Attendance
February's Tiger of the Month
Tig mwa janvye a
Tig mwa desanm nan
Tig Novanm nan mwa a
Tig mwa septanm lan
Middle School 419Q at The Tommie L. Agee Educational Campus
111-10 Astoria Blvd, Queens, NY 11369
Phone: (332) 262-2861
Fax: (332) 262-2862
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